Driving here has been an education. I have a bit of prior experience but it was in the Caribbean where one road brought us into town and that same road brought us back. This is more intense – with traffic and roundabouts and intersections and new rules. Full. Monty.
Roundabout Etiquette
I am learning that I need to signal my intentions at a roundabout. You always yield to your right – always. If you are turning left or going straight, no need to signal. If you plan to take the third exit – the equivalent of making a right – you must signal. I can’t seem to dial that in – the same way I still can’t remember my phone number.
Pedestrian Who?
Pedestrians have zero rights here. Zero. Cars will not stop or even slow down if you are crossing in a residential area or at a stop sign for that matter. You need to gesture to get the drivers attention and wait for them to stop otherwise….wait. I have managed to upset some kiwis thinking I have the right of way – at a crosswalk. Nope.
Lanes on a diet
The lanes here are skinnier than home and the right turn lanes are even skinnier. At a light, you are a foot or so away from the other car and it freaks me out. Completely. I always feel like I am just about to hit another car.
I have started to keep a tally of my driving moves. Will update as necessary:
Times hitting the curb on passenger side while trying to street park: 2
Times messing up my signaling through a roundabout: Every. Day.
Times loading parcels or kids into the car and trying to get in on the left side to drive: too many to count
Times I have hit a car because of the skinny lane issue: zero