On the Flip – The Lowdown on GH Johnson

I am flipping between two very different sides of the seemingly same design coin of late.

I have a few clients who are essentially empty-nesters – either building their next chapter home or overhauling to accommodate a different lifestyle. They are collectively well versed in the design that inspires them, intimate with the likes of Hansen, Wegner, Nagouchi, Bolier, Delacourt among other high-end, well-established and celebrated brands. They get the spend, embrace it, insist on it.

But most of my clients are budget conscious, product aware, highly practical but want the beautiful interior.

The flipping can be dizzying but has forced me to dig deep into the Toronto design scene – explore places that maybe wouldn’t normally be on my go-to list to get the deal without the style compromise.

Top of this list for upholstery? GH Johnson.

It feels like a warehouse with the showroom floor littered with models haphazardly placed. A lovingly assembled display this is not. It just feels so under construction.

But a closer look reveals comfortable seating, recognizable brands and stand out pricing. Just scored two love seats for a client – $1400 each – after pricing the same pieces at ELTE for $2500. For that kind of difference, I can live without the elegant showroom, easy service and offered bottled water. Yes. I. Can.

Be prepared to rifle through disorganized fabric swatches and wait for service if you are there later in the day, but so completely worth it.

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